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♥ Fatin Nabila ♥
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Assalamualaikum & hello everyone. I'm Nabila. This is a piece of my life story. Do leave your footprints & do visit again. Love you guys!

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Edutourism . (10-11 March 2012)

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, fellow bloggers.

It has been a long time I had vanished from any post. *A personal apologize here as I am not doing it in purpose. It seems very hard for me to get the time since the school activities were very pack. 

So here is my reborn (with a new story) ! Hee.

Last Saturday, me and my classmates went to Taman Negeri Endau-Rompin(under Biology panel). I must say that this is an adventerous one! I am so excited (but a little bit worried of pacat) :) Not to talk much, let scrool on the pix !

We all first gathered at the school canteen before we went up to surau for solat hajat and solat musafir. It's a long journey that might have any possibility. So we should pray to Allah for the best and smooth journey.

Breakfast !!!! We only get our breakfast after we got into the bus and started our journey. To safe time, teacher told. Akur sahaja lahhh -,-

Puan Rogayah Abdullah

Here we go! Our Guru Penolong Kanan, Puan Rogayah Abdullah gave some advices and reminded us on our safety. She was not be able to be with us, that's so sad :((

Took some pictures before we go. You know, its pretty hard for the bus driver to use DSLR. He made a long time to figure out. Haha. Poor Dinesh, usually happen that a photographer won't have their ownself in the memorable pix. Salahkan driver bas! Hehe

In the bus. There were pupils whom excited and few less excited. But teachers are the most excited! -.-

Suhaila, Syafiqah, ME, Syazrina & Hazirah. (A lot of capital S here =.=)

Im sitting on the most-back-sit of the bus. I must said that I am regretted. == I felt quite inconvenience plus dizzy as sit on back will have more pressure (terhenjut-henjut & terumbang-ambing) #mabukdarat

Then, we stopped at Mersing(I guessed) . Having our lunch!! Churp churp churp....

I managed to finish ayam first, for nasi Im not really care. tehee. #yummylunch

way too over laa Safwat.

Our journey was continued. Till we almost reached Endau-Rompin and the bus suddenly cannot drove up (because of the hill) and all of the students need to walk. mamamamdadadamamamadaaa #penat!

over tak diorang ni =='

An hour later...........

Sampai juga dekat Taman Negara Endau-Rompin. Guess what? After all of us done our zuhur and asar(jamak) prayer, the rain falls heavily. *Self thought ; rain as the warm welcome greet, the way Allah showed His blessed by the rain(Rahmat). #insyaAllah.

Me & my classmate, Ani Afiq Roman

Next, we were allowed to our room.


our room !

katil dia lawa okayy. #oren

Then, after that all of us went Jungle Trekking. The adventure started! To be honest, banyak gila pacat and everybody screamed. Bila tiba2 hujan rintik2, perjalanan itu menjadi semakin sukar, sangat sukar malah. #frightening

*masa jungle trekking tiada gambar sebab nobody were allowed to bring camera along.

And malam tuuu, Night walk.

sebelum keluar, ambil gambar dulu =.=

Night activity , each group must prepare something as persembahan. Dan kumpulan aku decided to sing. Dan lagi, lagunya ialah ; -

me ; Injit injit pacat , siapa sakit jerit aduh! *suara latar : ADUH!!
akmal ; Injit injit pacat , siapa sakit jerit sakit! *suara latar : SAKIT!!
hazirah ; Injit injit pacat , siapa sakit jerit Ouchh (in gedik way) *suara latar : OUCHH!! Hahaha

Hazirah punya yang paling kelakar okayyy -,-"

The Next Day ;
Activity : Berkayak. #thumbs up! Memang best sebab bukan aku yang dayung rakit, he hee.

My group arrived third last weyhh. Huh. Poor Faris, tangan dia paling sakit. The only man must sacrifice a lot! *wink*

After berkayak, we went to Air Terjun. Fuhh. #Best #Sejuk

And last but not least, pergi taman herba. There we were able to see a lot of plants. Kacip Fatimah larr, Karas, Teja Lawang, macam-2 lagi! :D

Lastly ~ Post Mortem. And GOING HOME TIME! agagagagaggaaagaga! #I miss my mom :*


**do ignore my broken english^^